The Legacy of Luther B. Bowman

Saturday, May 02, 2007

Updated: Thursday, March 19, 2015


   bowman house 1900  bowman house 2]   IMG_5440

              Turn of the 20th Century                           Early to Mid-20th Century                                          Fall 2006                                               


All of us watch as the Bowman house in Central Village undergoes construction and renovation to become the new location for Partners Village Store & Kitchen. The house was originally built in the 1870’s as a summer home, and has retained its original character.


But there is also an interesting history to this property. Around 1915, as the story goes, 11 year-old Luther Bowman was walking down Main Road, then a dirt road, and saw Mrs. Barrett attempting to hang a banner or flag from the parapet of her home, now 865 Main Road. Mrs. Barrett saw Luther and asked his assistance in hanging the aforesaid item. He good-naturedly offered his help, and so began a long working and familial relationship that lasted until Mrs. Clara Barrett’s death on December 13, 1952. Luther Bowman inherited the Barrett properties in Westport and New Bedford, as well as sizable other assets.


Luther was one of 11 children in the Bowman family who lived in a small saltbox house (now gone) directly across from the town pump in Central Village. His father was the local blacksmith in the building that is now the lobster barn on the corner of Main and Adamsville Roads. The Central Village Improvement Society (CVIS) put in stone watering troughs around 1907, one of which still occupies the spot where the town pump once stood. One can look at Luther’s picture as a young man of 18, an amiable and handsome young man, and easily imagine how the childless Barretts could take a shine to the hardworking, easygoing child who helped Clara that day, and who continued on to be their valued, lifetime handyman.


Luther earned through hard work and loyalty the respect and friendship of his benefactors. Apparently, high school at that time in Westport only went to the 10th grade. The Barretts invited Luther to go to New Bedford for his last two years of high school, where he lived in the Barrett’s New Bedford property.


Later in life, Luther acquired the barbershop and social club buildings that now occupy part of the original Bowman homestead. Luther recalled how he and his brother, scything by hand, reaped the wheat in the fields where those buildings now stand. In 2002, through the generosity of Luther Bowman’s estate, a $10,000 contribution was made to the Westport Historical Society. This money was held in an account until a suitable use was found. That use came in 2006 when the money was used to help procure journals from the whalers President and Mexico.


Luther’s history as written here was provided by a long time, younger friend who knew him well, and heard first hand Luther’s remarkable story of good fortune through industriousness and providential timing. To the best of that friend’s memory and this writer’s ability, Luther Bowman’s story has been faithfully retold here. Please forgive any inaccuracies, and report them to the Westport Historical Society for proper recording.


As an interesting footnote, Sarah Michaels daLuz is a great niece of Luther Bowman and an employee of Partners Village Store & Kitchen, and will soon be back in her great uncle’s old home working in Partners new kitchen!


Photographs and property transfer details provided by Jennifer Hall, Nancy Crosby, and Sarah daLuz


Left photo below: The Barretts are to the left of Luther; the lady to the right of Luther in the photo is Luther's youngest sister Rachel.  Rachel was a nurse serving in the army during WW2 and was married to a Colonel Frank Cassidy.               



bowman family



Luther obtained his good fortune through loyalty, industriousness, and providential timing.



Owners 0f 865 Main Road


v Phebe and Elizabeth Slade - 1875

v Sarah B. Wood - 1908

v Mr. John R. Barrett - 1916

v Luther B. Bowman – 1952

v Betty A. Michaels and John E. Bowman - 2001

v Jennifer Hall and Nancy Crosby - 2004





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